
Our agronomic approach is based on small targeted interventions aimed at optimizing every phase of production:

1. Specialized Pruning: Our expertise in pruning techniques considers the specific physiological needs of each cultivar and the individual conditions of the trees. We prefer a technical approach that, in addition to respecting the tree's needs, takes into account the economic and managerial considerations of this agronomic practice often considered an art.

2. Sustainable Soil Management: We view the soil as a living organism, carefully monitoring the biological and chemical processes within it. We calculate precisely what we harvest during harvesting and pruning, subsequently integrating organic, mineral, and microelement substances to preserve soil health and biodiversity.

3. Sustainable Water Resource Management: Our environmental conditions have compelled us to study and adopt the most efficient irrigation techniques in terms of water consumption. During the summer period, we accurately calculate evapotranspiration losses and assess the physiological needs of plants, allowing us to carry out targeted interventions.

4. Pest Control: Our approach to pest control in olive groves is permeated by a strong commitment to sustainability and environmental respect. We use traps and pheromones to monitor harmful insects and adopt targeted control strategies, avoiding excessive use of pesticides. We actively work to implement agricultural practices that preserve the health of olive trees, minimize environmental impact, and promote biodiversity.

5. Harvesting at the Optimal Moment: The quality of the oil is closely linked to the right degree of fruit ripeness, variable depending on climatic conditions and cultivar. Thanks to years of experience, we identify the ideal moment for harvesting, ensuring perfect fruits for optimal extraction. We use methods that preserve the integrity of the olives during harvesting.

6. Customized Extraction: In collaboration with the olive miller, we adapt the extraction to achieve the desired sensory profile. Strong relationships with master millers allow us to define together the pressing methods, temperatures, and times, customized to enhance the unique characteristics of the cultivar.

7. Ideal Storage: To slow down the oxidation of the oil, we store it in stainless steel containers at controlled temperature and under vacuum. In bottling, we prefer containers that preserve the qualitative characteristics of the oil and minimize environmental impact.

Our commitment reflects respect for the specificity, tradition, and uniqueness of traditional olive groves, allowing us to improve their productivity, longevity, and fruit quality. Safeguarding native cultivars is central to our mission, contributing to preventing the abandonment of olive groves.

We believe that Green is Better, and for this reason, we do everything in our power to provide you with a product that is 100% sustainable.

1.%20Potatura%20specialistica 2.%20Gestione%20Sostenibile%20del%20Suolo 3.%20Controllo%20dei%20parassiti 4.%20Raccolta%20al%20Momento%20Ottimale 5.%20Estrazione%20Personalizzata 6.%20Conservazione%20Ideale